On the 18th of August, 1954, the Police Association of Ontario granted a Certificate of Affiliation to the Cornwall Police Association to be known and designated as a Member Association. The Cornwall Police Association became empowered and authorized to conduct the affairs of the Cornwall Police Association in compliance with the best interests of the police profession in general. The autonomy of the Cornwall Police Association was thereby ordained and secured as a result. Because of this, the Cornwall Police Association must conform to the constitution, by-laws, rules, and regulations of the Police Association of Ontario and in default thereof, or any part, the Certificate of Affiliation may be suspended or revoked according to the laws of the Police Association of Ontario. And further, in due performance of the above, the Police Association of Ontario thereby bound itself to support the Cornwall Police Association in the exercise of all its rights, privileges, and autonomy as an Affiliated Member Association.
Today, the Cornwall Police Association (CPA) serves 87 sworn police officers and 41 civilians and maintains an active role in our community, as well as the Police Association of Ontario (PAO), continuing its proud partnership. The CPA works through its Executive Board to negotiate and communicate with the Cornwall Police Services Board, as well as the Police Chief and his management team regarding various concerns of the CPA, labour and employee issues, disciplinary procedures, collective agreements, and other matters involving CPA members. The CPA Executive Board and its members regularly organize or are involved in community events and also financially support community functions and projects. The CPA hosts PAO conferences and PAO Executive Board Meetings every few years which brings 100 - 120 police association delegates from across the province to Cornwall.
The CPA is committed to being the voice for all its members, civilian and police, and stands united with the PAO, serving our community, province, and country with pride.


Troy St. Germain
Matt Dupuis
Vice President

Martin Depratto

Jason Kilger

Tony Joseph

Justin Wheeler

Connie Leroux